
Editor’s Preface: A Treasury of Academic Thought on Humanistic Buddhism

Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism
Taking the Retrocession of Taiwan in 1945 as the starting point of the restoration of Chinese Buddhism, along with the emergence of the four major monastic orders on this island, Humanistic Buddhism has just celebrated its seventy-first birthday. However, we should consider that Master Taixu (hereinafter Taixu) first proposed the concept of “Humanistic Buddhism” in his article “On The China Times and the so-called ‘Sūtras and Mantras to Save the Nation’” published in Ocean Waves Magazine Vol. 13, No. 9 (1932), and that he delivered his lecture on “How to Build Humanistic Buddhism” at the Hankou Chamber of Commerce in October of the following year. These first definitions of Humanistic Buddhism included a preliminary explanation of the methodology and philosophy of Humanistic Buddhism, and how it could be developed from this foundation. From this other perspective, it can be said that modern Humanistic Buddhism has been practiced for more than eighty years.
Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism,Studies on Humanistic Buddhism I: Foundational Thoughts(Kaohsiung:Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise Co. Ltd,2018)i-v.

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