Editor’s Preface:The Glocalization of Buddhism
Michael Murphy
Volume three of Studies on Humanistic Buddhism contains fourteen articles relating to the glocalization of Buddhism. Glocalization here refers to the spread of Buddhism globally as it situates itself locally. An increased flow of people, goods, and information has allowed Buddhism to rapidly spread across the world, and for
greater interaction between Buddhist traditions. Concomitant with Buddhism’s globalization is its localization. As Buddhism settles into new environments, there is an acculturation process. The people who bring Buddhist teachings to a new area must acculturate to the local society in order to come up with skillful means to
impart Buddhist teachings in a manner that is appropriate to the dominant culture, and that empowers them to carry on the Buddhist teachings themselves.
Michael Murphy,Studies on Humanistic Buddhism III: Glocalization of Buddhism(Kaohsiung:Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise Co. Ltd,2020)i-viii.