
Issues of Acculturation and Globalization Faced by the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order

Ven. Miao Guang
M.A., Fo Guang University
Ever since Buddhism began disseminating from India to other parts of the globe, it has had to find its way through a seemingly endless array of host cultures. As the world’s largest Buddhist order, Fo Guang Shan has successfully taken root in some 200 major cities across the five continents. How has Humanistic Buddhism as advocated by Fo Guang Shan’s founder Venerable Master Hsing Yun acculturated in a wide range of cultural locations across the world? This paper assesses the progress and acculturation of Fo Guang Shan, and discusses the factors of success and failures in terms of its acculturation strategies, changes in the approaches of Dharma propagation, and the acculturative stress experienced.
Ven. Miao Guang,Studies on Humanistic Buddhism III: Glocalization of Buddhism(Kaohsiung:Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise Co. Ltd,2020)107-133.

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