
Commentary: Loving-Kindness and Compassion

D.E. Osto
Senior Lecturer, Massey University
Venerable Master Hsing Yun writes that loving-kindness (maitri) and compassion (karuṇā) “are like a priceless passport—a person may own nothing, but no matter where they go happiness and safety will follow.” How might this statement be understood within the context of the Universal Vehicle (Mahāyāna) of Buddhism? As the Venerable Master writes, lovingkindness aims to bring others happiness, and compassion is the desire to alleviate the suffering of others. Here, I understand loving-kindness (maitrī) to love in its purest altruistic sense. Maitrī is not an erotic, passionate, selfish, or possessive love. All true love wants is the happiness of others.
D.E. Osto,Studies on Humanistic Buddhism IV: Human Life(Kaohsiung:Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise Co. Ltd,2021)167-172.

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