Perspective: The Teacher and Late Modern Buddhism in the West: Commitment and Dilemmas
Suzanne Franzway
Emeritus Professor, Sociology and Gender Studies, University of South Australia
The teacher plays a key role in Buddhism. In some traditions, the practitioner is advised to remain patient and persistent in the search for a lifelong teacher, as the right teacher is said to appear only once the practitioner is “ready.” The teacher may be the abbot in a monastery, the geshe in a gompa, or the roshi or ajahn in a temple. However, in this late-modern world, it is becoming increasingly common for Convert Buddhists to have no link or personal connection to any such organization or individual Dharma teacher.
Suzanne Franzway,Studies on Humanistic Buddhism IV: Human Life(Kaohsiung:Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise Co. Ltd,2021)155-165.