The Concept of Wealth in Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Humanistic Buddhism
Han Chengcai
PhD Candidate, Institute of Religious Studies, Capital Normal University
Venerable Master Hsing Yun has actively promoted the propagation and practice of Humanistic Buddhism. He believes that, “In the twentieth century, due to the awakening of Buddhists, Buddhism returned to its traditional fundamental teachings, and at the same time adapted itself through modernization. Therefore, the ‘Humanistic Buddhism’ of the twenty-first century was born to meet the needs of the time,” and that “what is known as Humanistic Buddhism needs to have humanity, altruism, joy, universality, timeliness, and an emphasis on daily life. It should be based on bodhicitta and traveling the bodhisattva path, always moving upward, forward, toward truth, wholesomeness, and toward the ultimate and perfection of the Buddhist way.”
Han Chengcai,Studies on Humanistic Buddhism IV: Human Life(Kaohsiung:Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise Co. Ltd,2021)109-127.