
A Theoretical Analysis on the Possibility of Attaining Buddhahood Using the Mental Cultivation Methods of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s “I am Buddha” and Chan Master Huangbo’s “This Mind is Buddha”

Duh Bau-Ruei
Professor, Department of Philosophy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Humanistic Buddhism teaches the concept of “I am Buddha.” Engaging the spiritual attitude of a Buddha, many kinds of Buddhist activities can be undertaken in our daily lives. Subjectively, this attitude strengthens one’s resolve. Objectively, it leads to one making significant contributions to society. The Chan approach to spiritual cultivation is “This mind is Buddha.” Being in the state of mind where no thoughts arise, and having the mind of a Buddha, is a manifestation of “I am Buddha.” If one attains the former state, then no matter when one achieves Buddhahood, in this life one will do the Buddha’s work. If one attains the latter state, then no matter when one achieves Buddhahood, one will always be in the state of Buddha-mind. The former is the embodiment of bodhicitta and the latter an embodiment of prajñā. Both modes complement the other and combine to create one of Humanistic Buddhism’s most popular teachings: “I am Buddha.” It is not of the first importance when practitioners of this method actually attain Buddhahood. With confidence, application, and the abandonment of wrong views, the practitioner is already on the path to becoming a Buddha.

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