
Exploring the Meaning and Practice of Fo Guang Humanistic Living Chan through Hsing Yun’s Chan Stories

Lee Chih-Ying
Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, Nanhua University
This paper discusses the meaning and practice of Fo Guang Humanistic Living Chan from two aspects: (1) Dharma can only be found in the world: the meaning of Humanistic Buddhism in Hsing Yun’s Chan Stories; and (2) Enlightenment cannot be attained away from the world: daily practice in Hsing Yun’s Chan Stories. Together, these two aspects detail the integration of Humanistic Buddhism into the everyday lives of Fo Guang members. Using Hsing Yun’s Chan Stories as the research subject, Humanistic Buddhism Chan meditation was popularized among Fo Guang members through television broadcasting in the early period (1987). The propagation of the Dharma through such a ubiquitous medium highlights Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s response to the audience’s needs. This approach allowed for exposure and the rapid uptake of Chan meditation in many households, culminating in the worldwide spread of Humanistic Buddhism. The humanistic aspect of Chan meditation can be discussed from the two aspects of “embracing sentient beings” and “self-awakening and liberating others.” Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s has exhorted practitioners of Chan Buddhism to embrace the suffering of sentient beings as the bodhisattva path. As for application in one’s daily life, this paper explores its two aspects of “diligently practice with discipline, and live with simplicity and gratitude” and “skillfully apply it in a lively, interesting and vigorous way.” The application of Humanistic Living Chan is primarily focused on living in accordance with the recepts, contentment, and limiting desires. The expedient ways that Chan masters can help us achieve breakthroughs, realize our true nature, and liberate other beings, underscores the power of Chan meditation.

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